Dubai Underwater Train: Now you will be able to reach Dubai from India in just 2 hour.

Dubai Underwater Train: There are many people in our country India who live or work in foreign countries. Canada, America and Dubai are the three countries where most Indians live. In such a situation, Indians who live abroad have to use flights to travel from their country to another country, which sometimes takes a lot of time.

But now there is a good news for those Indians who live or work in Dubai i.e. UAE. The good news is that now very soon Indian people will be able to enjoy the underwater train journey and will reach Dubai within just a few hours. This underwater train will take you to Dubai from under the sea.

How will you be able to use this train (Dubai Train) and you can read its complete news below.

Underwater train will run from Mumbai to Dubai (Dubai Train)

According to Dubai’s famous news portal Khaleej Times, there is a UAE company which is planning to connect India and UAE under the sea, the name of this company is National Advisor Bureau Limited. This company wants to connect both the countries by sea so that the trade between the two countries can be increased.

According to the company’s plan, with the help of this project, crude oil can be easily transported from Dubai to India, along with this, it will be very easy for the citizens of both the countries to travel with the help of this train.

Abdullah Alsehi, Managing Director and Chief Consultant of National Advisory Bureau Limited, had told everyone about this underwater train project during the UAE-India Conclave and had many discussions about it. Let us also tell you that according to the report, this train will run from Mumbai city to Dubai.

There will be a rail network of 2000 kilometers

In the UAE-India Conclave, the company’s Chief Consultant Abdullah Alsehi also said that if this project gets full approval in the future, then in this project we will build a rail network of up to 2000 kilometers to connect Dubai with Mumbai. Through which anyone can easily travel from Mumbai to Dubai within about 2 hours.

He further said that there is a need to think more about this plan at this time so that no problem arises in this project in future. But if work on this project starts, then you can reach Dubai from Mumbai in just 2 hours through underwater bullet train.

These countries are also working on underwater trains

Apart from UAE and India, there are many countries which are planning to work on underwater trains to increase mutual trade. These countries include America, Australia, and Russia which are planning to work on the underwater train project. At present, Japan and China are the only two countries where such trains are being run.

We hope that from this article you would have got information about Dubai Update and this underwater train project, please share it with your friends so that they can also know about this underwater project. If work on this project starts in the future, there will be an outcry among the Indian people.

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FAQ: Dubai Train

How long will the underwater train run from Dubai to Mumbai?

The underwater train project running from Dubai to Mumbai is currently being planned and soon after the planning of the project, when all the work of this project will be completed, then you will be able to go from Dubai to Mumbai by train.

Which company is working on Dubai to Mumbai underwater train project?

National Advisor Bureau Limited, a UAE company, is working on a project to run an underwater train from Dubai to Mumbai.

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